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Friday 2 April 2010

Sesame tuiles/ ゴマのチュイール

I baked some sesame tuiles today.

Tuile means "roof tile", and normally they are shaped like tiles, which is done by cooling them on rolling pins to make them curved.  However, I prefer to make them just flat - because it's easier to store and to eat..

This is a very simple recipe, and also a good way to use up left-over egg whites.  When you make sablées and pastry cream, you will always end up with some egg white.  The good news is that it freezes well.  So I always have some ready in the freezer -  very convenient when you want to make some tuiles!  (well, you have to defrost it first though..)

So here is the recipe- which is based on a recipe from one of my favourite baking books called Honkaku Yakigashi Gojussen (well.. 50 professional petits fours..?):

Sesame seeds  50g (40g white and 10g black, if available)
Sugar 50g
Plain flour  7g
Egg white 1
Unsalted butter 10g
Salt  A pinch

  1. Melt the butter over low heat, and leave it to cool (NOT cold).  
  2. Mix the dry ingredients together in a small bowl, and add the egg white and the melted butter.  Mix well with a rubber spatula.
  3. Leave it for 2-4 hours at room temperature.
  4. Line oven tray with a non-stick baking sheet, and drop 1/2 table spoon of tuile mixture, about 3-4 cm apart.  Spread the mixture thinly using the back of a fork.
  5. Bake for 15min at 170c pre-heated oven.  Turn the oven tray if the colouring is uneven.
The above recipe makes about 15 tuiles, but you can easily double the quantity.  The tuiles are very soft when  fresh from the oven.  As mentioned, you can curve them a bit if you like.  The key is to use good quality sesame seeds - and for this, I have to be slightly nationalistic: I think Japanese sesame is the best.








ゴマ  50g(白ゴマ40g、黒ゴマ10g)
砂糖 50g
薄力粉 7g
卵白 1個分
無塩バター 10g
塩  ひとつまみ
  1. バターを溶かし、粗熱をとる(冷えて固まるほどではなく、人肌程度)
  2. ゴマ、砂糖、薄力粉、塩を小さめのボウルに混ぜ、卵白とバターを加え、ゴムベラなどでさっくりと混ぜる。
  3. 2-4時間ほど、生地を置いておいて馴じませる(室温)。
  4. オーブントレイにベーキングシートを敷き、3-4センチの間隔をあけながら、大匙半分ほど生地を載せてゆく。フォークの背を使い、生地を薄く延ばす。
  5. 170度に余熱したオーブンで約15分焼く。焼き色の付き方にムラがあるようなら、途中でオーブントレイの向きをかえる。


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