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Thursday 8 April 2010

Home made granola/ 手作りグラノーラ

I don't know where I got the idea.. but I thought I'd make my own granola.
After going through various websites and various boxes of granola at supermarkets, and several trials, I think I created my own granola recipe that I am happy enough to share with my friends.

It is easy, though a bit time-consuming. I am still not sure if this is actually less expensive than buying the ready-made ones..  but what I can guarantee you is that it tastes so much nicer!!  You won't regret making this, and you will want to make more, again and again.

So, here's my recipe..

300g rolled oats (Jumbo ones are even better, don't use instant oats)
70g  almond flakes
40g cashew nuts
40g pumpkin seeds

1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
A pinch salt
100g  clear honey
20g  brown sugar
2 tablespoon vegetable oil

100g raisins (or sultana, increase the quantity if you like!)
30g chopped dried dates
40g chopped dried apricots
15g banana chips
15g dried cranberries

  1. Pre-heat the oven to 160c.  Mix cinnamon, salt, sugar, honey and oil in a small sauce pan.  Warm the pan over low heat and melt the sugar.  
  2. In a large bowl, combine oats and nuts (DO NOT mix the fruits at this stage).  Pour 1. into the bowl, and mix well to let the liquid coat the nuts and oats evenly.
  3. Line a baking tray with a non-stick baking parchment.  Spread out the oats evenly, and bake in the oven for 30min.  Take out the tray every 10 min, and mix well, in order to colour the oats evenly. 
  4. Once baked, cool in the tray until completely cool.  Add dried fruits and banana chips.  Keep in an air-tight container, and consume within 3 weeks.

I haven't tried it yet, but you can substitute the honey with maple syrup.  You can also add, or omit whichever nuts/ dried fruit you like.  I found that the tang of cranberries and the rich sweetness of dates work very well.

It makes a great breakfast cereal, and I like having it with yoghurt, rather than with milk.  I know that I can add more honey/ sugar and oil to make it crunchier, but I prefer to keep the flavour balance as it is now.  Making your own granola also makes you recognise how much sugar and oil is in your morning cereal bowl...  It is an interesting exercise.

In Japan, we used to say "you should ideally take 30 different food ingredients a day".
Well, we stopped this propaganda, as the government thought it unrealistic, but well..  you can take more than 10 different kind of food ingredients in a bowl if you have this for breakfast!!
.. or have it any time of the day as a great snack :)





オートミール (Rolled oats) 300g
スライスアーモンド 70g
カシューナッツ 40g
かぼちゃの種 40g

シナモン 小さじ1/2
塩 ひとつまみ
ハチミツ 100g
ブラウンシュガー 20g
サラダ油 大匙2

レーズン 100g (好みで増やしても)
干しなつめ 30g
干しアンズ 45g
クランベリー 15g
バナナチップス 15g

  1. オーブンを160度に余熱しておきます。小さめの鍋にシナモン、砂糖、ハチミツ、サラダ油を入れて中弱火にかけます。ふつふつとして、砂糖が溶けたら火をとめます。砂糖は完全には溶けません...
  2. 大きめのボウルにナッツ類とオートミールを入れ、1.の液体を注ぎ、木ベラなどを使ってよく混ぜます。ここではドライフルーツは加えません。
  3. オーブントレイにオーブンペーパーを敷き、2.を移しいれ、表面を均一にならしてから、オーブンで約30分焼きます。10分ごとに一度取り出し、焼き色が均一になるように混ぜます。
  4. 30分焼いたら、トレイのまま冷まします。完全に冷めたら、ドライフルーツとバナナチップスを混ぜ、密閉容器に保存します。3週間以内に食べ切ること。




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