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Thursday 10 February 2011

Event & tea at Sketch/ Sketch でのイベント

Today my friend Momo and I went to a pastry related event, which was held at Sketch.  It was a launch event for a company called PCB (organised by Classic Fine Foods & partnership? with Valrhona), which produces all sorts of ready-made pastry "parts".  They were very creative, almost wacky, and some very beautiful.  Please visit the Pastry Network Website to see all the photos I have taken at the event.

After an exciting browse in the event area where there is normally a restaurant, we went to The Parlour to have tea and cake.  Being a big chestnut lover, I ordered a mont blanc, and Momo ordered some petit fours.

This is what was brought to her.

Nice.  Dainty.

This is what I got.

A bomb.

The base was a biscuit, then a meringue half-dome filled with cream and blackberry (I think) jelly, and topped with piped out chestnut cream.  It was not bad - I did enjoy the harmony of light meringue and chestnut, but...  it simply was too much.

This basically was our lunch.  But when I arrived home, I was feeling slightly sick from the sugar and cream I had taken.  Until dinner time, I carried on drinking Japanese hoji-cha, hoping that it would cleanse my body.

In Japan, we say "too much is as bad as not enough"... I reminded that this saying was so true.

。O  。O  。O  。O 。

今日は、パティシエである友人のMomo と一緒に、お菓子のイベントに行ってきました。会場はSketch
イベントは、PCB という会社のイギリス進出に際してのもので、Classic Fine Foods とヴァローナも携わっていました。
PCB は、実にさまざまなお菓子の「パーツ」ともいうべきものを作っています。食べものとは信じられないようなものも多く、斬新なアイディアが一杯でした。興味のある人は、会場の写真をアップしてあるので、Pastry Network のサイトをご覧ください。

会場を見学したあと、Sketch の中にあるパーラーというティールームに行きました。こちらのケーキは、定評があります。
Momo はプチ・フール2種を選び、私は栗が大好きなので、モンブランを頼むことにしました。

こちらが、Momo のカヌレとマドレーヌ。







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